ZonMw rehabilitation program I 'Restoration of mobility'
ZonMw rehabilitation program II 'ALLRISC'
1. Umbrella project Restoration of mobility
2. Wheelchair skills
3. Cardiovascular adaptation
4. Mechanical strain of the upper extremities
5. Spasticity reduction using FES
6. Coordination of the upper extremities in tetraplegia
7. Everyday physical activity
8. Hand-arm policy in tetraplegia
9. Handbiking
10. Transmural nursing care
11. Immigrants in SCI rehabilitation
12. Determinants of physical capacity
13. Patient involvement in SCI rehabilitation
14. Respiratory adaptations
15. Classification of paramedical intervention
16. Patient monitoring
17. Upper extremity task performance in high SCI
18. Quality of life during and after SCI rehabilitation
19. Pulmonary complications and   physical inactivity
21. Universal wheelchair mobility skills test
22. WHEEL-i
23. Life satisfaction & wheelchair exercise capacity
24. Shoulder pain & range of motion 
Related projects
NVDG research group





6th International State-of-the-Art Congress Rehabilitaton: Mobility, Exercise & Sports

On December 12-14, 2018 the 6th international state-of-the-art congress Rehabilitation: Mobility, Exercise & Sports will take place at the University Medical Center in Groningen. See for more information: www.rehabmove2018.com.


Minisymposium at UMCG, lokatie Beatrixoord

The 28th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at rehabilitation center Beatrixoord in Haren, on October 23, 2015. Click on the underlined names/titles to view the presentations:

- Luc van der Woude - Opening

- Kathleen Martin Ginis - The SCI action Canada story Download here the Physical Activity Guidelines in Dutch

- Femke Hoekstra - ReSpAct

- Linda Valent - Zitten bij personen met een dwarslaesie

- Elsbeth Littooij - Zingeving na een dwarslaesie

- Noël Keijsers - Brain detection in attempted foot movements

- Tijn van Diemen - ZELF DOEN



PhD defense

On October 14, 2015 Carla Nooijen defended her thesis entitled 'Promoting Physical Activity in Persons with Subacute Spinal Cord Injury'. Read more about his thesis here



HandbikeBattle presentation on Vondelgames Symposium

On May 22, 2015, the effects of participation in the HandbikeBattle on health and fitness were presented at the Vondelgames Symposium at Reade, Amsterdam. You can download the presentation here.



PhD defense

On May 6, 2015 Riemer Vegter defended his thesis entitled 'Wheelchair Skill Acquisition: Motor learning effects of low-intensity handrim wheelchair practice'. Read more about his thesis here (in Dutch) or download his thesis here



Minisymposium at UZ Leuven, campus Pellenberg

The 27th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at rehabilitation center UZ Leuven, campus Pellenberg, Pellenberg, Belgium, on April 24, 2015. Click on the underlined names/titles to view the presentations:


Marcel Post - Opening

Ellen Roels - (Re)employment following SCI

Elly Waals - SCI care & euthanasia

Carla Nooijen - Act-Active

Rianne Ravensbergen - Cardiovascular disease risk after SCI

Karin Postma - Respiratory function

Riemer Vegter - Learning wheelchair propulsion

Claire Borghgraef - Effect of FES using the ErigoPro on spasticity and QoL



PhD defense

On March 18, 2015 Jan van der Scheer defended his thesis entitled 'Low-intensity wheelchair training in inactive people with long-term spinal cord injury'. 



PhD defense

On January 20, 2015 Karin Postma defended her thesis entitled 'Respiratory function after spinal cord injury'. 



PhD defense

On November 17, 2014 Arjan Bakkum defended his thesis entitled 'Hybrid cycling in spinal cord injury: Effects on fitness, activity and health'. 



Symposium VvBN IG Revalidatie at UMCG Groningen

On November 26, 2014 the symposium 'Onderzoek naar classificatie in de aangepaste sport' will be held at the UMCG in Groningen. Download the program here



Newsletters RehabMove congress

Download here the third newsletter of the RehabMove congress: 

Front Newsletter 

Back Newsletter



Download here the second newsletter of the RehabMove congress: 

Front Newsletter 

Back Newsletter



Download here the first newsletter of the RehabMove congress: 

Front Newsletter 

Back Newsletter



53rd ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting

September 2 – 4, 2014
Maastricht, Netherlands


5th International State-of-the-Art Congress Rehabilitaton: Mobility, Exercise & Sports

On April 23-25, 2014 the 5th international state-of-the-art congress Rehabilitation: Mobility, Exercise & Sports will take place at the University Medical Center in Groningen. See for more information: www.rehabmove2014.com.



Minisymposium at Het Roessingh

The 26th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at rehabilitation center Het Roessingh, Enschede on March 14, 2014. You can download the program here



52nd ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting

October 28 – 30, 2013

Istanbul , Turkey



Handcycling clinics

The Move Forward project stimulates an active lifestyle by giving handbike clinics, see: www.moveforward.nu



Minisymposium at De Hoogstraat

The 25th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at rehabilitation center De Hoogstraat, Utrecht on October 18, 2013. Click on the underlined names/titles to view the presentations:


- Luc van der Woude - Opening

- Sacha van Langeveld - NDD

- Ursina Arnet - Handcycling

- Hanneke Nijendijk - Epidemiology SCI

- Eveline Vollbracht - Experience experts

- Osnat Douer - Wheelchair skills



Handbike Battle

On June 13, 2013 the first Handbike Battle took place in Austria. The Handbike Battle is a battle among handbike teams from 8 Dutch rehabilitation centers. The teams will climb the Weisseespitze via the Kaunertaler Gletscherstrasse by handbike. See for more information: www.handbikebattle.nl 



PhD defense

On May 15, 2013 Casper van Koppenhagen defended his thesis entitled 'Life satisfaction and wheelchair exercise capacity in the first years after spinal cord injury'. 



Minisymposium at St. Maartenskliniek

The 24th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at rehabilitation center St. Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, on March 8, 2013. Click on the underlined names/titles to view the presentations:

- Luc van der Woude: Opening

- Casper van Koppenhagen: Life after SCI: Mens sana in corpore sano?

- Rutger Osterthun: Causes of death of persons with SCI within five years of first inpatient rehabilitation.

- Carlijn van der Zee: Measuring social participation: USER-P.

- Karin Postma: The effect of inspiratory muscle training in people with SCI.

- John Lenton: Efficiency of hand rim propulsion: synchronous vs. asynchronous push strategies.



Annual conference of the VRA

On 1-2 November, 2012, the annual conference of the VRA was held in Noordwijkerhout. On Friday 2 November a minisymposium was organized with 6 presentation among the theme 'Wheeled mobility'. To view the presentations, click on the namen / presentation titles.


Sonja de Groot - Implementation wheelchair lab

Riemer Vegter - Wheelchair motor learning

Marieke Kloosterman - Power-assisted wheelchairs

Floor Hettinga - Handcycling sports & performance 

Linda Valent - Staying fit in a wheelchair

Luc van der Woude - Ergonomics of sports wheelchairs



Schakeldag in Barneveld

The symposium of the Dutch SCI patient organization, called 'de Schakeldag' was held in Barneveld on October 13, 2012. Sonja de Groot and Linda Valent were invited to present the research programme ALLRISC and the content of the book 'How to stay fit with a SCI', respectively. Click on the underlined names/titles to view the presentations:

Sonja de Groot: ALLRISC

Linda Valent: How to stay fit with a SCI   




Minisymposium in Heliomare

The 24th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place in Heliomare, Wijk aan Zee on October 12, 2012. Click on the underlined names/titles to view the presentations:

Luc van der Woude: Opening

Jan Groothuis: Melatonine & temperature regulation in SCI

Thomas Janssen: Lokomat

Jacinthe Adriaansen: Update ALLRISC project 1, cross-sectional study

Hedwig Kooijmans: Update ALLRISC project 2, self-management intervention

Jan van der Scheer: Update ALLRISC project 3, low-intensity wheelchair training

Arjan Bakkum: Update ALLRISC project 4, hybrid vs. handbike training

Jan Groothuis: Autonomic dysfunction after SCI



PhD defense

On June 22, 2012, Ursina Arnet will defend her thesis entitled 'Handcycling: a biophysical analysis' at 11.45 am at the VU University Amsterdam.



Minisymposium at Rehabilitation Center Reade

The 23th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at rehabilitation center Reade, Amsterdam, on March 23, 2012. The minisymposium will be combined with the Evidence-Based Practice symposium of Reade. 



Cursus en boekpresentatie 'Hoe blijf je fit met een dwarslaesie?

On February 3, 2012, the course 'How to remain fit with a spinal cord injury' was given in Rijndam rehabilitation center, Rotterdam. Download the program or the presentations of Linda Valent and Rogier Broeksteeg.  



PhD defense

On December 13, 2011, Christel van Leeuwen defended her thesis entitled 'Quality of life in the first years after spinal cord injury'.



Symposium VVBN, VRA werkgroep Bewegen & Sport, VSG at UMCG Groningen

On October 28, 2011, the symposium 'Wetenschap rond actieve leefstijl, sport en handicap' was held at the UMCG in Groningen. Click on the names/titles to view the presentations:

Luc van der Woude / Rienk Dekker - Opening

Marc de Greeff - Bewegingsinterventies

Vicky Tolfrey - Paralympic sports research from a UK perspective

Dick Thijssen - Vasculaire mechanismen van fysieke (in)activiteit

Tim Takken - Inspanning en sport bij kinderen met chronische aandoening

Liesbeth Simmelink / Daphne Wezenberg - Fitheid na een amputatie

Annet Dallmeijer - Cerebral parese: inspanning, fitheid en krachttraining

Riemer Vegter / Floor Hettinga - Wheeled mobility: critical issues

Ingrid van de Port - In beweging na een beroerte

Han Houdijk - Monitoring van belasting & belastbaarheid

Luc van der Woude / Sonja de Groot - Belasting & belastbaarheid in de dwarslaesierevalidatie

Hans Leutscher - Actieve leefstijl, Sport & Handicap: een samenwerkingsagenda

Rinske de Jong - Een paralympische onderzoeksagenda

Maarten Moen - Sportgeneeskunde & paralympische topsport

Rienk Dekker - Afsluiting



Minisymposium at Rehabilitation Center Adelante

The 22th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at rehabilitation center Adelante, Hoensbroek, on September 23, 2011. Click on the names/titles to view the presentations:

Luc van der Woude: Opening

Marieke Kloosterman: Shoulder load during power assist wheelchair propulsion

Matagne Heutink: The CONECSI trial (neuropathic SCI pain)

Michiel van Nunen: Lokomat

Sacha van Langeveld: SCI-ICS

Sonja de Groot: Body mass index in SCI


Exercise and Spinal Cord Injury

The Spinal Cord Injury Network in Australia released a brochure on exercise and spinal cord injury. The aim is to reach out to the spinal cord injury community and let them know about the wide range of exercise options and recreational activities available in Australia. You can download the brochure here



Newsletter March 2011

Read more about ALLRISC in the Dutch newsletter of March 2011.


Minisymposium at Rehabilitation Center Beatrixoord

The 21th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at the UMCG, Department of Rehabilitation, location Beatrixoord, Haren, on March 25, 2011. Click on the names/titles to view the presentations:

Luc van der Woude - Opening

Christel van Leeuwen - Quality of life

Judith van Velzen - Return to work

Luc van der Woude - ALLRISC

Jacinthe Adriaansen - ALLRISC project 1: Cohort study

Hedwig Kooijmans - ALLRISC project 2: Self-management

Jan van der Scheer - ALLRISC project 3: Low-intensity wheelchair training

Arjan Bakkum - ALLRISC project 4: Hybrid bicycle training 

Riemer Vegter - Wheelchair motor learning



Presentation Rachel Cowan 

Rachel Cowan, from the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, visited Universities and Rehabilitation Centers in and around Amsterdam and Groningen. If you are interested in the presentation she gave, entitled 'Mobility after SCI: Conceptualized as a Phenotype', please click here


Symposium VVBN at UMCG Groningen

On October 15, 2010, the symposium 'Vermoeidheid in de revalidatie' was held at the UMCG in Groningen. Click on the names/titles to view the presentations:

Luc van der Woude - Opening

Wilma van der Slot - Vermoeidheid bij cerebrale parese

Cees van der Schans - Vermoeidheid bij kankerpatiënten

Floor Hettinga - 'Pacing' in de revalidatie

Machiel Zwarts - Centrale en perifere effecten van spiervermoeidheid

Inge Zijdewind - Dwarslaesie en vermoeidheid



Minisymposium at Rehabilitation Center Rijndam

The 20th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at Rehabilitation Center Rijndam, Rotterdam, on October 1, 2010. Click on the names/titles to view the presentations:


Luc van der Woude - Opening

Carla Nooijen - Physical activity

Christof Smit - FES & Seating pressure

Inge Eriks - SwiSCI

Annemie Spooren - Arm-hand skill

Karin Postma - Lung function 


PhD defense

On July 8, 2010, Sacha van Langeveld defended her thesis entitled 'The Spinal Cord Injury-Interventions Classification System: development and evaluation of a documentation tool to record therapy to improve mobility and self-care in people with spinal cord injury'.


PhD defense

On June 16, 2010, Annemie Spooren defended her thesis entitled 'Arm hand skilled performance in persons with cervical spinal cord injury: evaluation and training'. For more information about the defense or thesis you can click on the links. 


Minisymposium at Rehabilitation Center Het Roessingh

The 19th ZonMw minisymposium on 'Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took  place at Rehabilitation Center Het Roessingh, Enschede, on March 12, 2010. Click on the names/titles to view the presentations:

Luc van der Woude - Opening

Christel van Leeuwen - Quality of Life

Marieke Kloosterman - Arm support, kinematics & EMG

Jorinde Oudenaarden - E-link

Edwin van Asseldonk - Lopes: robot-aided gait

Sacha van Langeveld - Classification of paramedical SCI intervention


Symposium 'Smart Movements' at Centre of Human Movement Sciences Groningen

On January 29, 2010, the Centre of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen will organize a symposium called 'Smart Movements'. You can find more information about this symposium on the website www.smartmovements.nl or in this flyer


Inaugural lecture Luc van der Woude

Luc van der Woude became professor in 'Human movement, rehabilitation and functional recovery'  at the Center of Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen / University of Groningen.  On December 15, 2009, Luc van der Woude delivered his inaugural lecture 'Veranderen en toch jezelf blijven' . Click on the title to read his lecture. 


Minisymposium at Rehabilitation Center De Hoogstraat

The 18th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at Rehabilitation Center De Hoogstraat, Utrecht, on September 11, 2009. Click on the names/titles to view the presentations:

Sonja de Groot - Opening

Matagne Heutink - Neuropathische pijn

Paul van Geffen - Zitbalans

Inge Zijdewind - Spierkracht

Judith Fleuren - Spasticiteit

Christel van Leeuwen - Sociale steun & Kwaliteit van leven 



Newsletter April 2009

Read more about the Umbrella project and future plans in the English Newsletter of April 2009.


4th International State-of-the-Art Congress

'Rehabilitation: Mobility, Exercise & Sports'

From April 7-9, 2009, the 4th International State-of-the-Art Congress "Rehabilitation: Mobility,

Exercise & Sports" took place at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

You can find more information about the conference on the website:

www.move.vu.nl/links/rehabmove2009 or in the flyer.


Minisymposium at Rehabilitation Center Amsterdam

The 17th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place at Rehabilitation Center Amsterdam on December 19, 2008. For the presentations click here.


Minisymposium in Heliomare

The 16th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place in Heliomare, Wijk aan Zee on June 13, 2008. For the presentations click here.


ICAMPAM Conference

The International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM) took place from the 21th until the 24th of May 2008 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. You can find more information about the conference on their website: www.icampam.org.


Symposium (Hand)Cycling, Rehabilitation and Sport  

On December 12, 2007, the "VRA werkgroep Bewegen en Sport' organized a symposium about (hand)cycling, rehabilitation and sport in Zuidlaren. You can find the presentations and more information on the website www.eurochamp.nl.


Minisymposium 'Patientmonitoring' in St. Maartenskliniek

The 15th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place in Nijmegen on December 14, 2007. For the presentations click here.


Newsletter October 2007

Read more about the Umbrella project and future plans in the Dutch Newsletter of October 2007.


Minisymposium in Hoensbroeck Rehabilitation Center

The 14th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place in Hoensbroek on June 1, 2007. For the presentations click here.


Minisymposium in Rehabilitation Center Rijndam

The 13th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place in Rijndam on December 15, 2006. For the presentations click here.



Annual conference of the VRA

On 5-6 October, 2006, the annual conference of the VRA was held in Ermelo. On Friday 6 October a session was organized with 5 presentation from the ZonMw research program 'Restoration of mobility in SCI rehabilitation'. To view the presentations, click on the presentation titles.


  1. Mobiliteitsherstel van mensen met een dwarslaesie. Dr. L.H.V. van der Woude.

  2. Complicaties en fysieke belastbaarheid van patiënten met een dwarslaesie: een longitudinale multicenter studie tijdens en na klinische revalidatie. Mevr. Drs. J.A. Haisma.

  3. Het identificeren van paramedische behandelingen in de (dwarslaesie)revalidatie. Mevr. A.H.B. van Langeveld.

  4. Transmurale verpleegkundige zorg aan mensen met een dwarslaesie. Mevr. Drs. J.H.A. Bloemen.

  5. Patiëntmonitoring tijdens de dwarslaesierevalidatie. Mevr. Dr. S. de Groot.


Minisymposium in Rehabilitation Center Beatrixoord

The 12th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place in Beatrixoord on June 16, 2006. For the presentations click here.



The first results of the Umbrella project are described in a report (in Dutch), which you can download here.


Minisymposium in Rehabilitation Center Amsterdam

The 9th ZonMw minisymposium on Physical strain, work capacity and mechanisms of restoration of mobility in the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury ' took place in the Rehabilitation Center Amsterdam (RCA) on December 10, 2004. The subject of this symposium was patientmonitoring

For the program and presentations click here.


3rd International Congress Restoration of (wheeled) mobility in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: state of the art III

On April 19-21, 2004 a 3-day international congress took place on research into the restoration of (wheeled) mobility during and after the rehabilitation of persons with a spinal cord injury (SCI). For the program and presentations (in PDF format) see http://www.ifkb.nl/SCIcongress.html

Read more about the Umbrella project and future plans in the

Dutch Newsletter or English Newsletter













Contact address

Sonja de Groot / Lucas van der Woude

Center for Human Movement Sciences

University Medical Center Groningen

University of Groningen

Antonius Deusinglaan 1

9713AV Groningen,

The Netherlands